And go on and smash that notification bell to get updates whenever we put out a new video. If you see right here, mine is enabled. I haven’t turned this off yet. But we’re going to go ahead and check that off. Now with this setting here, I’m actually a little conflicted by it because in a way I like the setting. I like that I can extend my internet usage out to all of my devices and help my neighbors too. And say your dog runs away or runs down the street, you can’t use that tag anymore because it’s not connected to your WiFi. But with this setting right here, if everybody in my neighborhood has this feature turned on and my dog runs away, say a mile down the road, that device is still going to connect to the person’s house that my dog is in front of. So in theory, I can load up the app and see that my dog is in this vicinity, which is really helpful. I’m not a hacker, but I would assume a skilled hacker could probably use some kind of backdoor to then take that and get into my network, which is a concern for me. So for me personally, I’m going to be turning that feature off.